Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Voice of Silence > Page 5


The First Language ~ Voice of Silence

no wording & no listening & no hearing

Page 5

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In your time in silence... this is not to listen for anything or anyone - not your God, an inner voice, or some guide you say talks to you. This time is not to wait for or want visions - which is, even at the truest and purest, a mental chimera.

After one has exhausted all the tricks of the trade of spirituality - all of it -, one rests quietly in the Quiet. There, Something speaks. You may not hear anything, you likely will not, and you may not need to, but Silence speaks. And you will hear not-something, and it will not be like anything you have spoken or heard another speak. This language will not be like anything you have heard on Earth - for Silence enters this world but is not of it. That is the Silence.

If you think you know what this Silence is, for others have told you what silence is, you have, again, missed it totally. That is good. When you have failed enough at thinking you know, the Light wraps you in Itself, and your muted mind no longer shrouds Beauty and Its first, nascent innocence.

Then, it will take time, maybe days, months, years, or a lifetime for you to listen to Nothing and hear what It says. But you will ... allowing yourself to be taken forward and back to before and after you - or anyone - was told this is this, that is that, you are you, she is she, he is he, and God is God - for the farther one is drawn onward on, the farther one is drawn backward - timeless is neither, and neither is the place of the wordless language.

But how shall you hear, if you keep trying to listen? Does Silence need your assistance to speak? No, you have talked enough. You have heard much too much. You have lived in a cacophony of assumptions, a haze of verbal gesticulations, drugged on an opioid of opinions. You have been indoctrinated out of the Truth.

Now and here is the time to be quiet in the Quiet. There remains nothing to say, not even a prayer, nothing to hear, not even the voice of your God.

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(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2020

*Quote on "centering down," "Memphis Friends Meeting (Quaker)," www.fgcquaker.org/cloud/memphis-friends-meeting-quaker.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Voice of Silence > Page 5

©Brian Wilcox 2024